Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain

Thursday Feb. 9, 2012
Augusta , GA

Last Thursday Joe White and the Metro Spirit published what they called, "The world's longest whine."  It was an over the top rant against an Augusta Today member, and community activist, Lori Davis.Whomever wrote the article is certainly worried about their future in Augusta both financially and socially. Nothing else could have hit such a nerve.  No one spews the vitriol that this writer spewed without being directly affected by something that they feel could squash their ability to continue to make the  bucks that have always been easily made. 

We have been told that the whine was so rambling and personal  that many regular Metro Spirit readers put it down with out completing it. It is the opinion of City Stink that it is in poor form for  a media publication to publish something of this nature and especially anonymously in a section that is normally reserved for short and witty quips. It seems that the editors of The Metro Spirit could have asked the writer to submit it as a Letter to the Editor .

We have also been told that when the Metro Spirit did their interview with Mrs. Davis, a week prior, an ASU intern was present. We have reason to  believe that there was a possible undisclosed  tape recording of the interview.  Not that it is uncommon for reporters to record the audio from their videos, but usually the disclose this information before hand and allow the subject being interviewed to stipulate what is on and off the record. Wonder what ASU thinks about their intern seeing such unprofessional exploits in the world of journalism? We have also been told that ASU has been contacted.

Now to the good stuff. Word on the streets of is that the anonymous writer has a writing style much like that of the,"Wizofoz," a long time and frequent poster on articles in the Augusta Chronicle. The Wiz is a huge cheerleader for projects downtown that will make a few people rich while soaking the taxpayers. There are only a few members  in this highfalutin'  fraternity. Actually, anyone of these members could have written the whine  since they have the most to lose with recent revelations brought about by members of Augusta Today exposed at the February 7,2012 Commission Meeting. City Stink tells Lori to hold her head high.  Vindication is on the horizon. We are knocking on some doors that no one has dare knock on in the History of Augusta and it feels good!

As for the Wizofoz, if we have called this one right, the Wiz might want to save a wiz to help put out the fire that is about to be lit by Augusta Today's most inner circle. We have courage and are not afraid to, "Put 'em up."***

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