Monday, August 6, 2012

T-SPLOST Beneficiaries Boost Anderson Congressional Campaign

Monday, August 6, 2012
Augusta, GA
From Reports

Analysis of campaign disclosure reports submitted by the Lee Anderson for Congress campaign show an unsurprising result. Anderson, a Republican running for the 12th Congressional District Seat in the Congress of the United States was an early and heavy beneficiary of political donations from area contractors, more specifically paving and site work contractors who stand to gain from the T-Splost bill.

While Anderson was in the Georgia House of Representatives, he voted for House Bill 277, the Transportation Investment Act of 2010, which was quickly dubbed T-Splost.

While voters in Columbia and Lincoln Counties who were former constituents of Anderson’s voted down T-Splost in their respective counties, most were shocked to learn that they had been sold into subservience to the inner city entitlement crowd by Lee Anderson. Because it was a regional vote, Anderson and the gold dome crowd had eliminated home rule on the county level.

It is said that “the path to hell is paved with good intentions,”  but for the pavers the path to riches is a river of cash to Lee Anderson.***

Anderson Paving Contributions

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